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december 01, 2015 - Paysalia

Paysalìa 2015: from December 1st to to December 3rd, Lyon, France

Paysalia, the benchmark landscaping, gardening & sports grounds trade show to be held in Lyon, France, from December 1 st to December 3 rd , 2015 is the place where everyone working in private and public green space installation and maintenance meets.

Paysalia supports the training of professional gardeners and future landscape designers through many events and conferences on the subject. These include the “Concours de Reconnaissance des Végétaux” – the plant identification contest - during which, over two days, several candidates drawn from 16 French regions compete before a jury of experts, made up of professionals and teachers. Paysalia will be also a place for meetings and discussions between professionals through a Job Centre and a Job Dating session, working closely with agricultural job and recruitment specialists APECITA. Becoming a landscape designer requires in-depth professional knowledge, perpetual curiosity about plants and know-how - specific to each creative designer. But to succeed in this business also requires passion. Many famous professional landscape designers recognized for their achievements have made their passion their business. They live in parks and gardens every day.


Credit Photo: Paysalìa, Elisaberth Rull